What are the Share capabilities?

No more burning CD's!

In the top right corner of the user interface, you will see the Share button. This button enables you to do three things:

1) Download JPEG or Dicom images
2) E-Mail JPEG or Dicom images
3) Send Dicom images to a third-party vendor
Does your client request a burned CD or do you like to send them home with a CD?
You no longer need to use staff time burning CD's!
To email, your images to your client click the email button and type in their email to the email address bar. Then you can select; JPEG, DICOM or JPEG+DICOM. You can choose to anonymize your study by clicking the anonymize box. You can also include a PDF of the SignalPET Report generated from your diagnosis(s) by clicking the include report box.
To send to a third-party vendor click the SCP Send button. Then select your third party vendor. Then you can select; JPEG, DICOM or JPEG+DICOM. You can choose to anonymize your study by clicking the anonymize box. You can also include a PDF of the SignalPET Report generated from your diagnosis(es) by clicking the include report box.