Tooth fracture (TFX)

Screenshot 2023-01-24 at 14.18.09


Written by Dr Bianca van Wyk
Updated 24 Jan 2023


  • Defining characteristics:
    A radiolucent line representing a fracture has been identified in the crown or root of a tooth or teeth.

  • Common differential diagnoses:
    Trauma, underlying pathology, retained tooth root

  • Helpful additional data:
    Was this due to trauma?  Has there been a decrease in appetite?

  • Commonly associated treatments:
    Consider extracting the tooth.  If the base of the tooth is intact, consider a crown.  If pulp exposure, consider root canal therapy.  If superficial, consider the application of a resin or bonding agent.

  • Commonly associated home care:
    Depending on the tooth removed, consider soft food for 1-2 weeks