- View:
Lateral - Defining characteristics:
Narrowing or collapse of a disc space in the thoracolumbar spine - Common differential diagnoses:
Intervertebral disc extrusion, positional artifact - Helpful additional data:
Has the patient been dragging their rear feet or is there nail wear on the toes? Has there been a change in the gait? Is the patient ambulatory? Does the patient appear painful in the abdomen due to referred pain? - Commonly associated diagnostics:
A thorough neurologic evaluation should be done. Consider *SignalCare MDB in advance of medical or surgical therapy. - Commonly associated treatments:
Discuss analgesia and cage confinement vs surgical options. - Commonly associated home care:
Based on treatment, cage rest vs surgery
*SignalCare MDB = CBC/Chemistry/Urinalysis/Thoracic ultrasound/Abdominal ultrasound