Introducing SignalSTAT: STAT readings on your radiology screenings
SignalSTAT represents a pioneering radiograph interpretation service that harmonizes the finesse of human expertise with cutting-edge technology to provide optimal interpretations, assessments, and suggested treatment plans. SignalPET continues to offer unparalleled care for companion animals, all at an affordable cost and with an unmatched speed of results. Currently, SignalSTAT stands at the forefront of revolutionizing the field with unmatched speed and accuracy, ensuring that each patient reaps the complete advantages of radiographic films.
- Offer:
- We are excited to present our STAT radiograph interpretation service.
- Cost?
$75 per study, you get a comprehensive package with no hidden fees. AI inclusion is an integral part of this service.

As an admin, you can purchase STAT credits by yourself from the billing page and start using the STAT service
In addition, auto-renew is turned on by default when purchasing credits. This means that when the credit balance reaches 0, your balance will be updated with new credits according to the amount of credits you purchased. However, you have the option to turn off or cancel the auto-renew feature.

1-hour turnaround commitment
- How is this Achieved? What sets us apart?
SignalPET's advancement in care quality is rooted in technological innovation. We employ state-of-the-art technology coupled with advanced quality control measures to deliver swift and accurate STAT results backed by academic research.
- Is this comparable to radiology reviews? Who performs the film reviews?
This is beyond a traditional radiology review. Our framework is crafted by specialists—radiologists, cardiologists, internists, and critical care experts. Each report is meticulously examined by recognized professionals in the field or experts trained by SignalPET and tested against gold standards.
- Is that for 100% of the cases?
Given the need for clinical case history and tailored questions, complete automation is yet to be available at present. Nonetheless, we strongly recommend considering automation as a practice policy for enhanced efficiency.
- Can I do SignalSTAT without SignalRAY
Actually, we only offer that option if all the cases are being read. The system is designed to work in a certain way. We advance medicine by providing the instant results of the x-ray and escalating 10%-20% of the cases to the STAT review.
- What should I do if the accuracy of your report is in question?
There should not be cases like that. However, if you have a follow-up question, you can use our medical chat, a follow-up mechanism, or call our support team.
- What should I do if I need further information after receiving the report?
Our support team is second to none and operates 24/7. You have many options to reach out to us. 1) The medical chat is available 24/7, 2) Via our support desk over email and phone 3) Through follow-up mechanism questions on the SignalPET application.
SignalSTAT reports are synergistically built by a unique blend of AI and human expertise, seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technology with expert oversight throughout the process.