How can I e-mail my reports?


On the top right corner of the SignalRAY™ reporting screen, you will see an envelope icon next to the download button.

Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 11.53.35
You can click on the email icon on your report screen and you will see the following pop-screen: 

Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 11.53.56

Reply to: The email that receives the replied emails
To Email: Specify the email address of the recipient to send the shared documents.
Select the "DOCTOR" or "PET PARENT" option depending on who you would like to send the report to so that it auto-populates the message
Subject: Add the subject to the email message
Message: you can fill in a personalized message or utilize provided message templates.
Reports to Share:
SignalRAY - Unmodified report, the full report
SignalCARE - Modified report, the report after editing
Consultation report in case consultation completed
Images: Choose which radiographs to include in the email.
You can include JPEGS and DICOMS images.

Email Notification: Upon sharing, the recipient will receive an email containing the shared documents and link to download images