- View:
Lateral - Defining characteristics:
Caudal displacement of the gastric axis, an extension of the liver beyond the costal arch, rounding of lobar margins - Common differential diagnoses:
False positives (young animals, deformed costal arches, caudal displacement of the diaphragm, deep inspiration, obese animal with oblong abdomens), hepatitis, hepatic lipidosis, hepatotoxicity, venous congestion, diabetes mellitus, Cushing's, hepatic neoplasia - Helpful additional data:
Is there icterus? Is there vomiting? If this is a cat, is it eating? Is the patient PU/PD or a diabetic? - Commonly associated diagnostics:
Consider *SignalCare MDB, consider abdominal ultrasound if available - Commonly associated treatments:
Based on *SignalCare MDB and clinical signs discuss IV fluid therapy vs outpatient care - Commonly associated home care:
Based on primary
*SignalCare MDB = CBC/Chemistry/Urinalysis/Thoracic ultrasound/Abdominal ultrasound