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Examion Manual Send Instructions

PLEASE NOTE: This software cannot send multiple images in one study, each image will come in as a separate study. 


1. Select the images that you would like to send for a patient. SignalPET Support_Taradale Vet Hospital (NZ)_2021-09-07_1

SignalPET Support_Taradale Vet Hospital (NZ)_2021-09-07_4

2. Click on the "Tools" in the option above. 

3. Click on the "Send Image" option.

SignalPET Support_Taradale Vet Hospital (NZ)_2021-09-07_5

4. Click on the "SignalPET" option. 

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5. You will see it say sending image in the gray bar. 

6. Once that message disappears, the software should have sent over the x-ray to SignalPET.

7. Check SignalPET to confirm it has been received.