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Lateral and VD - Defining characteristics:
Osteophytes on the periarticular bone(s) of the elbow, anconeal process, medial epicondyle, lateral epicondyle, ulnar medial coronoid process, cranioproximal radius - Common differential diagnoses:
Elbow osteoarthritis, elbow dysplasia - Helpful additional data:
Has there been any limping or pain? Has the patient been slow to rise or lie down? - Commonly associated diagnostics:
Consider *SignalCare MDB in advance of medical or surgical therapy. - Commonly associated treatments:
Consider analgesia, discuss cage confinement, discuss weight management and lifestyle change, joint supplements, discuss surgical options if severe - Commonly associated home care:
Discuss cage rest, analgesia
*SignalCare MDB = CBC/Chemistry/Urinalysis/Thoracic ultrasound/Abdominal ultrasound