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Lateral and VD - Defining characteristics:
An abnormal test correlates with the presence of an increased opacity within the cranioventral region of the lungs (right cranial lung lobe, right middle lung lobe, and/or left cranial lung lobe), often with an interstitial and/or alveolar pattern - Common differential diagnoses:
Pneumonia (aspiration vs bacterial/fungal), pulmonary hemorrhage/contusion, atelectasis, neoplasia - Helpful additional data:
Has there been any vomiting or regurgitation? Has there been any trauma? Has there been exposure to rodenticide? Was the patient recently anesthetized? Is the patient recumbent? - Commonly associated diagnostics:
Consider thoracic ultrasound if available, consider *SignalCare MDB - Commonly associated treatments:
Based on *SignalCare MDB and physical exam findings, discuss antibiotic therapy, +/- oxygen therapy - Commonly associated home care:
Depending on the cause, monitor for increased respiratory effort and labored breathing
*SignalCare MDB = CBC/Chemistry/Urinalysis/Thoracic Ultrasound/Abdominal Ultrasound